Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la soutenance de thèse d’Isis Mesfin intitulée : Les premiers peuplements du cordon littoral d’Afrique australe (1,2-0.5 Ma) : Analyse productionnelle et morpho-structurelle des industries lithiques qui se tiendra le vendredi 10 décembre à 13h30 dans l’Amphithéâtre de l’Institut de Paléontologie Humaine (1, rue René Panhard – Paris 13) devant le jury composé de […]
Étiquette : Bifacial
Viola Schmid vient de sortir un article qu’elle a dirigé intitulé “Middle Stone Age Bifacial Technology and Pressure Flaking at the MIS 3 Site of Toumboura III, Eastern Senegal” dans la revue African Archaeological Review. L’article est disponible en open access ici : Schmid, V.C., Douze, K., Tribolo, C. et al. Middle Stone Age Bifacial […]
Bifacial piece with planoconvex cross section made on sandstone, finishedwith several resharpening operations.This piece comes from the site of Toumboura III (TMB III) in the Falémé valley (Senegal), Stratigraphic Unit UJ, Square A1, Number 17.It has been discovered during the 2017 excavation campaign. You can observe the 3D model of this piece in full screen […]
Preform of a bifacial piece with planoconvex cross section made on sandstone.This piece comes from the site of Toumboura III (TMB III) in the Falémé valley (Senegal), Stratigraphic Unit UJ, Square A1, Number 22.It has been discovered during the 2017 excavation campaign. You can observe the 3D model of this piece in full screen mode […]
Bifacial piece with planoconvex cross section made on sandstone, finished with several resharpening operations.This piece comes from the site of Toumboura III (TMB III) in the Falémé valley (Senegal), Stratigraphic Unit UJ, Square A1, Number 16.It has been discovered during the 2017 excavation campaign. You can observe the 3D model of this piece in full […]