Récemment paru, le livre de Ciprian Ardelean intitulé “The lithic artefacts from Chiquihuite Cave. A Pleistocene assemblage in Mexico” (Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, 2022) est désormais disponible en consultation à la bibliothèque de la Maison d’Archéologie et d’Ethnologie René-Ginouvès grâce à un don de l’auteur. Avec plus de 1 300 pages, 1 143 objets contextualisés, analysées et abondamment illustrées par des milliers de photographies, ce livre est probablement l’un des plus importants recueils de technologie lithique paléoaméricaine jamais publié.
Ce livre a une version numérique disponible ici en téléchargement : http://ricaxcan.uaz.edu.mx/jspui/handle/20.500.11845/2961
Nous remercions vivement le Pr. Ciprian qui a réservé et envoyé du Mexique un exemplaire de l’édition imprimée limitée à l’Université Paris Nanterre.
Vous pouvez lire le résumé du livre en anglais ici :
This book responds to a demand expressed by the international archaeological community, as well as by the wider public, after the publication of the archaeological discoveries at the prehistoric Chiquihuite Cave (in northern Zacatecas, Mexico) in the journal Nature, back in the summer of 2020, with the announcement of very old human presence at the site, spanning between 31000 and 12500 years ago: the imperative need to count with a detailed publication capable to present the majority (whether not the total) of the flaked stone (lithic) artefacts collection, in order to compensate for the acute insufficiency of illustrations published in the 2020 article and available for consultation globally. For the same reason, this book was written in English, although published in Zacatecas. The book is, in itself, an analytical catalogue: a detailed compendium of 1143 ancient stone objects of human manufacture that comes to reveal, put in context and analyze each one of the items that integrate the main lithic assemblage at the cave, with the main purpose to properly present them to the world with all their morphological, stylistic, typological and technological details, in the hope that readers would so become better armed to form much clearer opinions of their own and even be convinced of the human origin of these stone tools. Besides the Preface and Introduction written by the author of the study, this volume counts with the honorable guest-participation of world-renowned scholars who had the kindness (and patience) to delve into the drafts of this massive work and later contribute their own opinions in the form of Forewords and an Afterword. With about 1350 pages and thousands of color photographs, the digital version (ePDF) of this book weighs around 15 Gb, for which reason it is recommended to handle it as separate PDF files, just as this repository suggests (apart from considering the inevitably lengthy download time). We decided not to reduce the size of the individual files, in order to preserve the resolution and zoom capacities of the pictures, remembering that illustrations were the very reason to start working on this editorial product in the first place. Besides the digital version here available for Open Access download, this book has a limited edition printed version, largely meant for a few libraries and research centres (the print ISBN is: 978-607-555-113-5).
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marina González Varas (14 janvier 2023). Don de livre sur la préhistoire américaine “The lithic artefacts from Chiquihuite Cave” du Pr. Ciprian Ardelean, Bibliothèque MAE, 01/23. Le carnet d'AnTET. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/b7qn