Antonio Pérez vient de sortir une note de lecture concernant le livre “People and Culture in Ice Age Americas: New Dimensions in Paleoamerican Archaeology“, édité par
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Les références complètes de l’article sont les suivantes :
PÉREZ-BALAREZO Antonio, « Less simple, but still too tidy. Sur l’état des recherches concernant la préhistoire ancienne des Amériques », Americae [en ligne] | Note de lecture, 6, 2021, mis en ligne le 15 novembre 2021. URL :
Pour le livre, voici ses références complètes :
Rafael SUÁREZ et Ciprian F. ARDELEAN (dir.), People and Culture in Ice Age Americas. New Dimensions in Paleoamerican Archaeology, University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, 2019, xvii + 268 p., bibliogr., 106 ill. (en noir et blanc), cartes, graph. ISBN : 978-1-60781-645-4.
et le résumé de l’éditeur :
“This edited volume, which emerged from a symposium organized at the 2014 SAA meeting in Austin, Texas, covers recent Paleoamerican research and site excavations from Patagonia to Canada. Contributors discuss the peopling of the Americas, early American assemblages, lifeways, and regional differences. Many scholars present current data previously unavailable in English. Chapters are organized south to north in an attempt to shake the usual north-centric focus of Pleistocene-Early Holocene archaeological studies and to bring to the forefront the many fascinating discoveries being made in southern latitudes. The diversity of approaches over a large geographic expanse generates discussion that prompts a re-evaluation of predominant paradigms about how the expansion of Homo sapiens in the Western Hemisphere took place. Those who work in Paleoamerican studies will embrace this book for its new data and for its comparative look at the Americas.”
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
David Hérisson (21 décembre 2021). Note de lecture A. Pérez sur “People and Culture in Ice Age Americas”, Americae, 11/2021. Le carnet d'AnTET. Consulté le 11 novembre 2024 à l’adresse